Timber by www.emsien3.com EMSIEN-3 Ltd

Radiographic Testing Level 1+2

Radiographic Testing Level 1


The training course communicates basic know-how and skills in respect of radiographic testing with X-rays and gamma rays. Via presentation of the properties of ionizing radiation, knowledge of the attenuation performance of materials is communicated along with the expedient selection of an energy source. The geometrical recording conditions and the selection of films and providing the prerequisites that enable the factors impacting on the quality of the images to be reviewed. At the end of the training course you can determine the image quality of various test pieces. 


  • Physical basics of the radiographic testing
  • Origins of X-rays and gamma radiation
  • Weaking and energy selection
  • Films and foils
  • Geometrical imaging conditions
  • Film processing and film observations
  • Image quality factors and  image quality determination
  • General Testing and objest-testing techniques

Participants and conditions:

  • This training course addresses persons who are trained skilled employees or have had similar training; proof of at least 2 weeks’ professional experience must be furnished prior to the qualifying examination.

Radiographic Testing Level 2


This two-week training course communicates advanced know-how and skills with regard to radiographic testing. Candidates’ basic knowledge is reinforced, the meaning of terms such as build-up factor, image quality and test sensitivity is dealt with in a hands-on fashion, and product-related and standards-related know-how relating to the industrial sectors concerned is communicated. Special focal points: film evaluation under practical conditions, inspection planning including the drafting of instructions and verification of test results. The training course includes a 4-day practical training course.


  • Object and radiation contrast
  • Film system and film contrast
  • Detail detectability and image quality determination
  • Analyzable area, distortion and object range
  • Special ray sources, imaging techniques and ray receivers
  • Evaluation of radiographs
  • Casting and casting defects
  • Evaluation of radiographs of castings
  • Welding seams and welding defects
  • Evaluation of radiographic images of welds

Participants and conditions:

This training course addresses persons who are trained skilled employees or have had similar training; they must furnish proof of at least 3 months’ professional experience, participation in a Level 1 training course (attendance without an examination) and a further 4 weeks of (Level 2) professional experience.